Claudio Tomella
Short CV
He currently practices Anti-aging medicine, nutrition and integrative medicine in Italy as well as giving courses and congresses worldwide.
He obteined the Degree in medicine on 22/10/1992 at the University of Milan, with full marks anche the specialization as nutritionist at the University of Milan at 13.11.1996.
He got the First Certificate of Professional Training in Eating Disorders and Obesity in Verona at 2003.
He has achieved the Diploma of the Quadrennial Course of Nutritional Biotherapy at the Center for Studies and Research of Applied Natural Medicine “Vis Sanatrix Naturae” of Rome in 2015.
He got the Certification in “Precision and Anti Aging Medicine” and in “Peptide Therapy” by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (a4am) in 2021/2022.
He has been a speaker at numerous national and international conferences around the world on the subject of nutrition, bioidentical hormones and anti-aging medicine.
He was the Winner of the the Best Clinical Case of Anti-Aging Medicine at the Anti Aging and Beauty Trophy Congress (AMEC 2017) in Montecarlo (Principality of Monaco), 15 September 2017.
He was Co-author of the book: Integrative Cardiology: A New Therapeutic Vision (Springer) for the Chapters:
• Nutrition and Cardiac Health
• Low-Dose Therapy for the Treatment of Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation
• Metabolic Cardiology
• Integrated Approach to Dyslipidemia
He was the Author of the Ebook: “All about Bioidentical Hormones” in 2020.
He have participated in numerous television and radio broadcasts and have been interviewed by numerous newspapers as an expert in nutrition, supplement and anti-aging medicine.
Dr. Tomella is a member of the American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine and of the scientific Committee of Regenera Research Group for Aging Intervention.
Dr. Tomella work at his office in Milan as a nutritionist, anti-aging and integrated medicine doctor, treating patients according to 360° vsision/approaches in terms of hormonal balance, thyroid, bioidentical hormones, menopause, andropause and successful aging and he created the “Il metodo del bioequilibrio ormonale“® (hormonal biobalance method®).